Structuring and private placement of FIDC Valor Max, an investment fund dedicated to the acquisition of consumer non-performing loans (NPL) registered under Brazilian laws.
Structuring and private placement of FIDC Valor Max, an investment fund dedicated to the acquisition of consumer non-performing loans (NPL) registered under Brazilian laws.
Financial advisor on the project finance of 5 distributed generation plants, with 10 MW of installed capacity.
Advisor to Impacto Energia
Financial advisor to Minum on the structuring of bridge financing for construction of 33 MWp of solar distributed generation.
Advisor to Minum Genco Geradora
Financial advisor on the winning bid for Lot 08 of Aneel’s Transmission Auction n 01/2024.
Advisor to Brasiluz
Financial advisor on the sale of 100% of Internexa Brasil to Megatelecom.
Advisor to Internexa Brasil
Financial advisor to Emana, the GD arm of Stima Energia, in the formation of a joint venture for the construction and operation of a 60 MW portfolio.
Financial advisor to Emana
Financial advisor to Genco on establishing a joint venture with Minum for the construction and operation of 220 MWp of distributed solar generation.
Advisor to Genco
Financial advisor in connection with the debt restructuring of Termelétrica Pernambuco III public debentures.
Advisor to the debenture holders
Financial advisor to Eneva on the sale of 3 SHPs, with 8.1 MW of installed capacity.
Advisor to Eneva
Financial advisor in the sale of Projeto Sobral, a solar park with 1 GW of installed capacity, to Cubico.
Advisor to ZEG
Financial advisor in the concession auction in connection with solid waste management services in the region of Cariri (CE).
Advisor to Aegea
Financial advisor on the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) auction in connection with sewage operations concession of CAGECE’s Cluster #2.
Advisor to Aegea
Financial advisor on the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) auction in connection with sewage operations concession of CAGECE’s Cluster #1.
Advisor to Aegea
Financial advisor on the project finance for the implementation of Petrobras offshore support base at Açu Port.
Advisor to Splenda Offshore / Transdata
Financial advisor to Quadra Capital on the acquisition finance related to CODESA’s privatization.
Advisor to Quadra Capital
Financial advisor to Eneva on the project finance of cluster #1 of Futura 1 solar project, with 495 MWp.
Advisor to Eneva
Financial advisor to Eneva on the project finance of cluster #2 of Futura 1 solar project, with 342 MWp.
Advisor to Eneva
Advised the Ad Hoc Group of bondholders in connection with the conversion of credits into company’s shares.
Advisor to the bondholders
Advised the Ad Hoc Group of bondholders in connection with the company’s in-court debt restructuring.
Advisor to the bondholders
Financial advisor on the sale of Cordilheira dos Ventos wind power cluster with 305 MW of installed capacity.
Advisor to Renova Energia
Financial advisor on the sale of Serra da Prata SHPP cluster with 41.8 MW of installed capacity.
Advisor to Renova Energia
Financial advisor on the bidding auction related to the sewage concession for the municipality of Crato (Ceará).
Advisor to Aegea
Financial advisor to Focus Energia on its outright sale to Eneva.
Advisor to Focus Energia
Appraisal report of a solar power generation project with 210 MWp of installed capacity.
Advisor toLightsource bp
Independent financial advisor on the company’s IPO.
Advisor to Focus Energia
Financial advisor on the sale of 100 aMW of renewable power generation.
Advisor to Focus Energia
Independent opinion to Mattos Filho’s client, in connection with one of the largest international arbitration processes in Brazil.
Advisor to Mattos Filho
Financial advisor on the sale of minority equity stake in a solar power plant with 50 MWp to Total Eren.
Advisor to the shareholders
Financial advisor on the sale of solar power generation projects with 474 MWp to Pátria.
Advisor to Energia Capital
Financial advisor on the sale of 26.4 aMW (A-6) of wind energy projects with 247.8 MW of total installed capacity.
Advisor to Atlantic
Advised F3C/Campitiba on the project finance for a power transmission line between Campinas and Itatiba.
Advisor to F3C/Campitiba
Advised main bondholders of Oi in connection with the company’s capital increase through issuance of new common shares.
Advisor to the bondholders
Advised main bondholders of Oi in connection with the conversion of unsecured credits into company’s shares.
Advisor to the bondholders
Strategic and financial advisory to OTP in connection with the sale of selected road-concession assets.
Advisor to OTP
Financial advisor on the sale of 100% of CSN to AEGEA.
Advisor to Solví
Financial advisor on the sale of 380 MWp related to solar power generation.
Advisor to Energia Capital
Advised main bondholders of Oi in connection with company’s in-court debt restructuring.
Advisor to the bondholders
Financial advisory to Odebrecht Mobilidade in connection with its out-of-court debt restructuring.
Advisor to Odebrecht Mobilidade
Advised large group on the sale of its equity stake in selected logistics assets.
Advisor to Embraport
Advised Embraport on its out-of-court debt restructuring.
Advisor to Embraport
Advised Cromex on its out-of-court debt restructuring.
Advisor to Cromex
Advised Sojitz in connection with the debt restructuring of CGG.
Advisor to Sojitz Corporation
Advised Odebrecht Agroindustrial on its out-of-court debt restructuring.
Advisor to Odebrecht Agroindustrial
Advised Camargo Corrêa on the sale of Fazenda Arrossensal.
Advisor to Camargo Corrêa
Advised Aralco on its in-court debt restructuring.
Advisor to Aralco
Advised Embrapar on the merger between Claro, Net and Embrapar.
Advisor to Embrapar’s board committee
Advised Arcadis Logos Energia on the sale of a 49.9% stake on Retiro Baixo Energética to CEMIG.
Advisor to Arcadis Logos Energia
Advised shareholders on the sale of their stake in financial and industrial assets.
Advisor to the shareholders
Credit rating services in connection with credit upgrade process with creditors.
Advisor to Odebrecht Ambiental
Appraisal report.
Advisor to the shareholders
Advised Batata Inglesa on its sale to IMC.
Advisor to Batata Inglesa
Advised Saspar on the sale of its 83.27% stake in Sulacap to Sul América S.A.
Advisor to Saspar
Appraisal report.
Advisor to Ecoporto
Acquisition of Complexo Tecondi.
Advisor to Grupo EcoRodovias
Advised SMIT Rebras on the sale of a 50% stake to Royal Boskalis.
Advisor to SMIT Rebras
Advised Carta Fabril on its debt restructuring.
Advisor to Carta Fabril
Advised Odebrecht Realizações on the sale of a 14.5% stake to Gávea Investimentos.
Advisor to Odebrecht
Advised Pró-Cardíaco on the sale of a controlling stake to Grupo Amil.
Advisor to Pró-Cardíaco
Appraisal report.
Advisor to the shareholders
Advised Athos Farma on its in-court debt restructuring.
Advisor to Athos
Advised Frialto on its debt restructuring.
Advisor to Frialto
Advisor on the sale of a controlling stake in Manguinhos.
Advisor to Repsol and GPC
Fairness opinion in connection with the public equity offering.
Advisor to the shareholders
Advised Brascan on the corporate restructuring involving selected SHPPs.
Advisor to Brascan
Appraisal report in connection with the acquisition of Usina Termelétrica de Juiz de Fora.
Advisor to Cemig
Fairness opinion in connection with the public equity offering.
Advisor to the shareholders
Appraisal report and advisory services to Braskem in a potential transaction involving its stake in Sansuy.
Advisor to Braskem
Detailed report on the privatization process in Brazil.
Advisor to Hydro Québec
La Virgen HPP (Peru) Project Finance.
Outright sale of Transchile to Ferrovial.
Advised Affinia on the sale of its South America operations to Grupo Comolatti.
Acquisition of Unidade Saúde Soluções from Tempo Participações.
Acquisition of a 62% equity stake in Repom.
Acquisition of South American hotel portfolio from Grupo Posadas.
Acquisition of seven power transmission companies from Plena Transmissoras.
Independent board committee to determine the exchange ratio between Bertin and JBS.
Independent board committee to determine the exchange ratio between Aracruz and VCP.
Follow-on – Public offering of BNDESPar and EDF International shares.
Advised Manchester on the sale of a 70% stake to Arcelor Mittal.
Advised GWI on the sale of its equity stake in Lojas Americanas, which represented 18.7% of common shares.
Advised on the sale of a controlling stake in Manguinhos.
Sale of 2 SHPP (small hydro power plants) to Tractebel.
Follow-on offering.
Asset swap involving Rede Energia and Energias do Brasil assets.
Follow-on – Public offering of Citigroup shares.
Offering of non-convertible debentures.
Advised S.A. Paulista in connection with the sale of a 20% stake in Renovias.
Advised Serasa on its sale to Experian.
Offering of non-convertible debentures.
Advised CMS Energy on its sale to CPFL.
Advised Blockbuster on its sale to Lojas Americanas.
Consumer credit Joint Venture with Cetelem.
Debt restructuring.
Follow-on offering.
Corporate and financial restructuring.
Project finance.
Project finance.
Secondary offering of shares and offering of convertible debentures.
Project finance.
Cross shareholding unwinding i shares and debentures offering by Vicunha.
Offering of shares and convertible debentures.
Follow on – offering of Brazilian Government shares.
Advised Grupo Mariani and Odebrecht on the acquisition of BNDES shares in Conepar.
Advised Klabin on the acquisition of Igaras.
Rua Joaquim Floriano, nº 1120
6º andar – Cj. 61
Itaim Bibi, São Paulo, SP
04534-004 – Brasil
[email protected]
Phone: +55 11 3576-1500
Fax: +55 11 3576-1505